Fall Bucket List
Have you ever completed a Fall Bucket List? This Fall will be my first official bucket list I’ve completed.
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And just in case you don’t know what a bucket list is, it is a list of things not really chosen by you, per se, but things you would do a certain time of year. Basically, a list to help you enjoy the season of life you are currently living in.
Pretty cool, right?
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Over the past year, I have really been getting into seasonal living. And I have to say I am really enjoying it. So much so, that I find myself creating bucket lists for every season of life. I used to only decorate for Christmas in my home.
Then it turned into Fall and Christmas. A year later, it was Fall, Halloween, Christmas, Valentine, Easter, and so on. You get the idea.
Every Season has a story to tell and a life to live in it. And living seasonally is really just all about soaking up everything the season or holiday has to offer.
Embracing the days that lie ahead. Really just enjoying them.
How Not to Live Seasonally
So, fun fact about me is that I am a true planner girl. Yes, paper planner, sticker using die-hard fan girl planner girl. Like I really love it!!
My two favorite planners of all time are the Erin Condren life planner and the Living Well Planner. Both are amazing, have amazing designs, and with gorgeous covers and stickers.
Don’t take my word for it though. You can visit both planner websites and check them out for yourself down below. And I even have an Erin Condren planner $10 off coupon you can get right here!
The reality is though, I plan my weeks out usually every Sunday, and sometimes monthly. That may seem like a lot, trust me I find peace in doing so. However, I can spend a lot of time “planning”.
Related Post: Set Up your 2019 Planner
And well as the saying goes, “plans don’t work unless you do” is true.
My point is that no matter how much you plan, life doesn’t always go according to plan. And if you are too busy working or chasing after something, you might just miss what’s happening now and in the moment.
So what is a girl to do?
Live Seasonally
That’s right – live seasonally! It’s about stopping and smelling the roses. Or in other words, playing in the fall leaves. Building a snowman (well not this Florida girl) but you get the idea.
Enjoy the years, because while they may seem long, life is so so short. And the years deal us four beautiful yet different seasons a year.
Our daily lives and our beliefs further deal us Holidays and live events like birthdays, anniversaries and so much more to celebrate.
If we don’t just STOP…Â and take a minute or two or even a day to enjoy the season we might ourselves someplace later after several years have passed wondering how we got there!
Fall in Love with Fall
It’s one of the most favorited times of the year! And if you have never really embraced this whole living seasonally thing then I challenge you to start this year.
And to help get you started I created a FREE printable of the Fall Bucket List my family will be completing this year.
Now, I am going to warn you. It is not a super duper long list. And it does not have all the things Fall on it. Just some favorites and some things I know we will be doing before we “switch” into Winter some time in December.
It is sort of a way to journal together as a family some of the events and memories we will be making this Fall season.
Do you live seasonally or follow a Fall Bucket List sort of thing? Leave a comment and let me know!
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